It is an
organisation which is working on the basic objective of service than profit .
they function under the principle of mutual help.
or Principles of Co-operative Societies
F Voluntary
Association : every individual is free to join or not to join in co-operative
F Association of
persons : individuals join co-operatives as human beings and not as
F Unrestricted
Membership : any one who is major can become member of co-operative society.
F Equal Voting
Rights : one member one vote is the principle of co-operative society and not
one share one vote.
F Democratic
Management : Each for all and all for each is the principle of management in a
co-operative society.
F Service is the
Motto : A co-operative is formed to give maximum service to its members.
F Limited
Distribution of Surplus : only limited portion of profit is given to the
F Cash Trading :
business in co-operative society is done on cash own basis.
F Corporate Status
and State Control : co-operative society in India are registered under co-operative
society Act 1912. On registration it become a body corporate enjoying separate
legal entity.
F Liability :
liability of a co-operative society is generally limited
of a co-operative society
v Easy of Formation
v Perpetual
succession : not affected by the death or insolvency of members.
v Democratic
management : one man one vote helps for democratic management
v Mobilisation of
Savings : Small savings are mobilised for constructive purposes.
v Economy of
operation : expense for working
co-operative society is minimum
v Saves Members From
Exploitation : By giving loans at reasonable interest rate , by providing
consumer goods at fair prices.
v State Assistance :
exempted from tax, stamp duty and registration fees, etc
v Social Importance
: co-operative society render services without profit motive.
of a Co-operative Society
Inadequate Capital : non availability of capital for large
scale operations.
Inefficient Management : they have no financial stability to
appoint specialists.
Lack of business secrecy : there will periodical discussions
in general body about all facts.
Lack of Motivation : remuneration is very low
Excessive State Control : excessive state control affects
successful functioning of co-operatives.
Internal Conflict : local politics adversely affects the
smooth functioning of co-operatives .
of Co-operative Societies
Co-operative Credit Societies : it gives short term finance
at reasonable interest . there are four types of credit societies ;
Rural Banks : provides loans at lower rate to buy seeds,
fertilisers, agricultural implements,etc.
Urban banks : formed in district towns for providing
facilities to small traders and artisans.
Employees Credit Societies : formed by employees in govt.,
semi govt. ,banks, etc. to meet financial problems.
Wage Earner’s Societies : formed by workers in and around
town areas.
Co-operative Marketing Societies : these are formed for
helping farmers, artisans, and small producers for marketing their products .
Co-operative Farming Societies : formed by farmers for
maximise production and secure benefits of large scale cultivation.
Consumers Co-operative Societies : formed by low and middle
income groups , to ensure supply of consumer goods at fair prices.
Producer co-operative societies : organised by small scale
producers and craftsmen that helps them conduct small scale business.
Co-operative housing Societies : to solve housing problems.
It includes land societies, finance societies , house building societies and tenancy co-operative societies.
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